These Players, Caddies and Golf Professionals have purchased the BreakMasters directly from us or our Reps.
Ryan Palmer
Kent Fukushima
Graeme McDowell
Vijay Singh
Jerry Kelly (caddie Paul Tesori)
Kenny Perry (caddie Fred Sanders)
Bernhard Langer (caddie Russ Holden, coach
Willie Hofmann)
Tom Lehman
Camilo Villegas
Boo Weekley
Brandt Jobe (caddie Corby Segal)
Justin Hicks
Troy Matteson (caddie Josh Svendsen)
Alex Cejka (caddie Tracy Auman)
Briny Baird (caddie Michel Genois)
Brett Quigley (caddie Laddie Cline)
Mark Calcavecchia (caddie Adam Armagost)
J.L. Lewis (caddie Cole Lewis)
Robert Gamez (caddie Don Donatello)
Shaun Micheel
Ben Crane
John Riegger (caddie Daryl Smith)
Craig Barlow
Charles Howell III (caddie Mitch Knox)
Jason Gore
Stewart Cink (caddie Matthew Hall)
Ted Purdy
Bubba Watson (caddie Ted Scott)
Jonathan Byrd (caddie Chuck Hoersch)
Ted Purdy
Harrison Frazar (caddie Mitch Knox)
Jeff Brehaut
Danny Briggs
Michael Allen (caddie Michael Maroney)
Pat Bates (caddie Danny McQuilken)
Notah Begay III
Kyle Thompson
Rich Barcelo (caddie Damian Lopez)
Marco Dawson (caddie Tracy Auman)
Sandy Lyle
Michael Clark
Mike Standly
Ty Tryon (caddie Bill Tryon)
Katshunari Takahashi (caddie Andy Wada)
Jeff Quinney (caddie Jim Walters)
Daniel Chopra (caddie Stephen Duplantis)
David Duval (caddie Mitch Knox)
Paul Claxton (caddie Hank Smith)
Grant Waite
Garrett Willis
Lee Janzen
Fredrik Jacobson (caddie Ron Levin)
Scott McCarron
Kevin Na (caddie Kenny Harms)
Sean O’Hair (caddie Paul Tesori)
Nicholas Thompson
Garth Mulroy
Vaughn Taylor (caddie Dan Padawer)
Jim Gallagher
Cameron Percy (caddie Eric Bergerud)
Tom Watson
Ben Crenshaw (caddie Linn Strickler)
Craig Stadler
Hale Irwin
Bruce Lietzke (caddie Brian Lietzke)
Jerry Pate (caddie Frank Roberson)
Jim Albus
D.A. Weibring (caddie George Craver)
Tom Jenkins
Graham Marsh
Jim Thorpe (caddie Tony Shepherd)
Terry Dill (caddie Gary Cline)
Doug Tewell
Jay Sigel
Jim Ahern
James Mason (caddie Chris Mason)
Bob Gilder (caddie Harry Brown)
Mark Johnson
Ed Fiore
Bob Eastwood
Denis Watson (caddie Butch Wilhelm)
John Ross
Mike Goodes (caddie Mike Bracken)
Lexi Thompson
Brittany Lincicome (caddie Greg Johnston)
Candie Kung
Mi-Hyun Kim (coach Danny Yoon)
Karen Stupples
Lorie Kane (caddie Danny Sharp)
Karine Icher
Catriona Matthew (caddie Graeme Matthew)
Jeong Jang (coach Danny Yoon)
Carin Koch (caddie Stefan Koch)
Aree Song
Michelle Wie (also caddie Brendan Wooley)
Danielle Ammaccapane (caddie Jim Petersen)
Dorothy Delasin (caddie Clint Begay)
Wendy Doolan (caddie Chris McCalmont)
Jill McGill (caddie Greg Gallup)
Sherri Steinhauer (caddie Audrey Gerdes)
Emilee Klein (caddie CJ Sturdevant)
Riko Higashio (caddies Paul Martinez, Clay Triolo)
Jean Bartholomew (caddie Tom Grogan)
Christina Kim
Angela Stanford (caddie Jeremy Young)
Diana D’Alessio (caddie Bully Duarte)
Soo Young Moon
Brittany Lincicome (caddie Tom Landeen)
Reilley Rankin (caddie Dan Huber)
Denise Killeen (caddie Billy Prentice)
Katie Futcher (caddie Jay Yoon)
Miriam Nagl (caddie Jeffrey Snow)
Shi Hyun Ahn (caddie Brian Dilley)
Sherri Turner (caddie Denice Lindman)
Maggie Will
Juli Hilton (caddie Robert Kendall)
Simi Mehra
Clarissa Childs (caddie Larry Smich)
Suzy Whaley
Amy Hung (caddie Bob Kendall)
Marta Figueras-Dotti
Sung Ah Yim (caddie Chris McCalmont)
Sophia Sheridan (caddie Matt Gelczis)
Michele Redman (caddie Joe Connolly)
Su A Kim
Kimberly Williams
HJ Choi (caddie Ted Siuda)
Suzann Pettersen (caddie James Walton)
Hee Young Park
Johanna Mundy (caddie Dan Taylor)
Sarah-Jane Smith (caddie Duane Smith)
Eun Hee Ji (caddie Martin Bozek)
Kelly Shon (caddie Richard Kropf)
Miko Miyazato (caddie Chad Payne)
PGA of America, Tournament Committee: Tony Wallin, John Brendall, Steve Rintoul, Steve Carman, Jeremy Greiner, Steven Cox, Mark Dusbabek, Players Tournament Committee: Karen Rose, Rules Official: Brad Fabel
PGA Champions Tour, Tournament Committee: Gene Smith, Joe Terry
USGA, Director of Competitions: Mike Davis, Rules Committee: Robert Bender, Sectional Qualifying: Michael Cumberpatch, PAC-12 Rules Coordinator: Jim Moriarty, US Senior Amateur Tour: Reed MacGregor
The R & A, St. Andrews, Scotland: Ed Johnson
Assistant Director – Amateur Events & Open Qualifying
LPGA Tour, Tournament Committee: Barb Trammell, Tiffany Priest, Manager Rules and Competitions, Laurin Kroesbacher
LPGA Symetra Tour, Rules Committee: Kelly Wergin
Ryder Cup European Team, 2008, Brian McConnell, European Caddies Association
PGA Nationwide Tour, Rules Committee: Mike Peterson, Rich Pierson
Canadian PGA, Scott Prichard
Korean PGA, Chang Kyu Choi
Arkansas State Golf Association, Little Rock, AR
Tournament Committee: Jay N Fox
Florida State Golf Association, Tampa FL
Tournament Committee: Ken Hagamann, Charles Bedford
Kansas Golf Association, Lawrence, KS
Tournament Committee: Kim Richey
Kansas City Golf Association, Kansas City, MO
Tournament Committee: Steve McMillen
Nebraska PGA, Brian Davis, Tournament Director
New Hampshire Golf Association, Bill McAuliffe
Utah State Golf Association, Jacob Miller
Pacific Northwest Golf Association, Scott Crouthamel
Richmond Golf Association, Charles Wilson, Tournament Official
Virginia State Golf Association, Midlothian, VA Richard Smith, Kent Holubar, Matt Smiley
Washington State Golf Association, Eric Sjogren, Asst. Director of Rules & Competition
California Juniors Golf Tour, Ron O’Connor
Walker Cup Team (All 10 Team Members)
U.S. team captain, Bob Lewis, Pepper Pike, Ohio
Mexico National Men's Team
World Amateur Tournament, Tom Relf captain
Spanish National Team 2008
Head Coach Marta Figueras-Dotti
Jim McLean Golf Schools, Miami, FL
Instructors: Chris Toulson, Jason Carbone, James Damiano
Jim McLean, PGA West, La Quinta, CA
Instructors: Carl Welty, Louis Sauer
David Leadbetter Golf Academy, Champions Gate, Bradenton, FL
Instructors: Gary Gilchrist, Gary Parrett
Hank Haney Golf Academy, Frisco, TX
Instructor: Drew Rutledge
Michigan State University, Ann Arbor, MI, Men's Golf Team: Chris Whitten, Coach, Patrick Wilkers-Krier, Assistant Coach
University of Tennessee, Golf Program, Knoxville, TN, Instructor: Jim Kelson Men's Golf, Judi Pavon, Women's Golf
Kansas State University, Golf Program, Manhattan, KS
Instructor: Kristi Knight, Women's Golf
University of Pennsylvania, Golf Program, Philadelphia, PA
Instructor: Francis Vaughn
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Assistant Coach, Men's Golf: Dave Pezzino
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Head Coach, Men's Golf: Brian Craig
St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
Coach: Bob Simms
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX
Women’s Golf Coach: Carol Blackmar
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Women’s Golf Coach: Trelle McCombs,
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Women’s Golf: Oma Sue Helms, Stacey Totman
Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Head Coach Mens & Women’s Golf: Kevin Marsh
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Head Golf Coach: Casey Martin
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Golf Coach: David Paterson, Robert Grober
Northern Illinois University, Elgin, IL
John Cleary, Head Golf Coach
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH Garry Winger, Head Coach Men’s Golf
Stephanie Young, Head Coach, Women’s Golf
North Carolina State University,
Richard Sykes, Head Golf Coach
Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC
Dianne Dailey, Head Coach, Robin Walton, Coach, Women’s Golf
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
James Burke, Head Golf Coach
Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Kim Evans, Head Coach, Women’s Golf
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Mic Potter, Head Golf Coach
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Patricia Earley, Assistant Coach, Women’s Golf
East Carolina University, Greensville, NC
Kevin Williams, Head Coach, Women’s Golf
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Nicole Hollingsworth, Head Coach, Women’s Golf
Jamie Broce, Head Coach, Men's Golf
Illinois State University, Normal, IL
Darby Sligh, Head Women's Golf Coach
Marriott and Ritz Carlton Golf, Ocoee, FL
Robert Waller, Senior Director, Golf Grounds
Golf Australia, Lachlan McCallum, Emily Miller
PGA of Australia, Nicholas Thornton
Jennifer Ha
Tiffany Tavee
Kareen Qually
Jaclyn Jansen (caddie Mick Tarel)
Graham DeLaet
David Faught
Kent Fukushima
Greg Gates
Scott Gibson
Richard Gilkey
Jamie Grylicki
Josh Habig
Eddy Lee
Trevar Matheson
Shaun Pederson
Andrew Smeeth
Brad Sutterfield
Tim Rutledge (caddie Ken Griffiths)
Todd Pence
Brian Unk
Michael Walton
Arjun Atwal
Anders Hansen (caddie Nick Mumford)
Tino Schuster
Stewart Craig (tour c0ach)
Henry Killington
Bill Hardwick
Jan Brumlich
Jonas Blixt
Eric Axley (caddie Robert Kelly)
Jason Buha (caddie Dylan Vallequette)
Tom Carter
Kevin Johnson
Derek Mason
Justin Hicks
Han Lee (caddie Josh Svendsen)
Andy Morse
Mason Petty
Brad Rollinson
Justin Smith (caddie Ryan Fischer)
Scott Sterling (caddie Jeff Stoner)
Euan Walters
Bobby West
Matt Stafford
Jason Griffin
Jeremy Revis
Charlie Gallagher
Martin Matusaki
Dan Maselli (teaching pro)
Britt Pavelonis
Jamie Hall
Peter Wilson
Chan Song
Martain Joyce
“I used your Greens Book [using measurements done with BreakMaster] this past week at the Northern Trust Open in conjunction with the Aim Charts from Mark Sweeney [Aimpoint] and I was number one in putting for the tournament.” Scott McCarron, PGA Tour Pro
"Been using the BreakMaster to help me get the feel for the degree of slope after my Aimpoint green reading lesson. Worked great and highly recommended. Next step will be to play around with the BreakMaster mapping out the greens on my course." Anthony, BreakMaster customer, South Carolina
“Since I started using the BreakMaster I haven't had one complaint about hole location in years." Reed MacGregor, USGA Official, Senior Amateur Tour
“Let me tell you how great influence the Breakmaster has been on my own game and also lately it's been a great addition to my caddying on the Ladies European Tour! It's been THE greatest green reading tool ever invented!” Jan Brumlich, European Tour Caddy
“I have used your product for roughly the last eight years. I have leveled every green we play on the PGA and Nationwide tours as well as several courses overseas. The product has made me nearly a million dollars already, allowed me to gain access to the tours, and gain credibility as a caddie. I currently caddie for Michael Thompson on the PGA and we are heading to Thailand next week. I need to order another and was wondering what you would charge a tour caddie.” Matt Bednarski, Tour Caddie
"A lot of the guys on the Tour are using the BreakMaster. I use it before tournaments and make notes in my yardage book of the readings at the pin positions. Most of the time it confirms what I believe to be the break, but every now and the it makes you go ‘whoa,’ and surprises you with the real break your eye didn’t see." Jeff Brehaut, PGA Tour Pro
"I use it all the time. It saves one or two strokes a round -- which is huge." Don Donatello caddie for PGA Tour Players Craig Barlow, Rich Barcelo
"Well, the fact of the matter is there was absolutely no guessing or misreads while using the BreakMaster and yes, four out of five putts broke more than I would have thought with the naked eye. It will dramatically (with practice, of course) make a bad putter better, a good putter a great one, and if you're a greater putter than "Brad Faxon" your friends better watch out." Kevin P. Alexander, Editor, Golf Today Magazine
"It takes me about three hours to map out all the greens, but I figure that it saves me at least one stroke per weekend." Notah Begay III PGA Tour Player
“We purchased a BreakMaster a few years ago for our Section Tournaments. I had used one previously on The Tight Lies Tour, and I really like it. We have actually had a few of our PGA Members purchase them as well. I would be interested in trying to find someway to get your name out there to more of our members and apprentice as well as the amateur they bring to pro-ams.” Brian Davis, Tournament Director, Nebraska PGA
“Place this hockey puck-sized digital level on a green to determine slope (arrows point in the downhill direction) and break (in degrees). Tables in the operation manual quantify break. For instance, 2 degrees on a 3-footer equals 8 to 10 inches of break; 2 degrees on a 9-footer equals 22 to 26 inches. Best Features: Use it to scout unfamiliar greens prior to playing them in a tournament.” Rob Sauerhaft, Equipment Editor, Golf Magazine
"We used the BreakMaster at the Black Bear Golf Club just outside Orlando. It is a Pete Dye layout and was built about 10 years ago. It is a pretty wide open course but it has some of the trickiest greens that you will find any where. It was a perfect test for the BreakMaster. Any well designed green features a certain amount of trickery and optical illusions. You can look at the hole from one side of a putt and it looks like it breaks one way then look at it from the other side and it looks like it breaks the other way. The BreakMaster was a good tool in helping us see what features along the line influenced the putt. You can save any number of strokes by paying better attention to the subtleties of how and why putts break the way they do. The BreakMaster can go a long way in helping you towards that end." Mike Fenton,
"My new nickname: One-Putt." Lance Alworth "Bambi" NFL Hall of Fame Player (after receiving his BreakMaster)
"How many times have you read a putt to break one way, and it broke the opposite? Or you came up way short on an uphill putt, even though you thought you struck the ball plenty firm? Golf course designers love to deceive our eyes by subtle use of the terrain surrounding a green - whether mountains, mounds, or swales. The BreakMaster can improve your understanding of the green beyond human visual perception - with a little research you can understand the best places to hit it on the green, as well as the areas to avoid." Rick Adams, Senior Editor,
"My caddie and I went down a couple of days early so that I could play some practice rounds and get familiar with the course. Naturally, we took the BreakMaster with us. Since it was a 1 day qualifier, they already had the greens marked as to where the pins would be located, so using the BreakMaster was invaluable. We spent at least 10 or 15 minutes on every green figuring out not only how the putts were going to break, but having that knowledge ahead of time, we determined where the best (and worst) approach shots would be for each green." Ron Hagan, Golfer in the US Senior Open Qualifier
"The BreakMaster Digital Green Reader was a close second in the Pick of the Show race [PGA Merchandise Show 2003]. This device precisely measures the slope of a green at any given position. For more than 100 years at championships such as the U.S. Open, the U.S. Golf Association has done this by hand to ascertain whether a pin position is fair. The BreakMaster does it automatically. This is a wonderful little item for any tournament committee or, for that matter, any golf course. Just place the BreakMaster on the turf; it does the rest by indicating the slope." James Achenbach, Equipment Editor, Golfweek Magazine
“The BreakMaster has become a staple of our cup-cutting routine. It is a tool that has proven to be a valuable asset to my daily maintenance, allowing my staff to cut cups accurately and fairly without worrying about an unfair pin location.” Scott Chastain, Golf Course Superintendent, The Yacht and Country Club, Stuart, FL
“I have just begun to use the BreakMaster in my professional events on the Hooters Tour this past week. I may not have hit all of my putts on the line, but I sure had a better idea of the break of the green and lay of the land. This is a great product. I can see that this will save me strokes and saving strokes means more cash in my pockets. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks. Sincerely,” Britt Pavelonis, Hooters Tour
"As any guy gets longer in the tooth, his ability to read greens subtleties goes south...and my home course has breaks on short to mid range putts that are almost indiscernible. I've found that I can place the BreakMaster about halfway down the line on these putts, read the grade and break, and make these putts with trust and authority! It takes all the guesswork out of the putt. Even better, the following time these putts rear their ugly heads, there's a confidence there that will last, well---forever, I guess. This is the finest ancillary golf product I've ever seen or used --and I was in the golf equipment business for twenty five years all told---with Spalding and as a distributor. The Breakmaster's readings are faithful and, at times, astonishing! Buddy Buchanan, Former Golf Rep
“Received order yesterday as Monday was Thanksgiving Holiday in Canada. We used them to change holes today. Works great. Thanks again.” Bob Brewster, Golf Course Superintendent. Mississaugua Golf and CC, Mississauga, Canada
"I received the BreakMaster the middle of October and used it several times on my course. I was amazed at some of the degrees of break that it showed that was not seen by the naked eye. Some of the breaks were hard to believe." Jacquelyn R. Howell Urbana University Women's Golf Coach
“Thanks for the information [on mapping greens], I like the idea of mounting the Breakmaster on a piece of Plexiglas. We have been using it for hole locations in all our recent events and like it very much.” Skip Gist, Nebraska Golf Association, U.S. Junior Championship Committee
“Yesterday I played in the ladies competition at my golf club and won. I putted so well, which helped my score. On the front nine holes I had 12 putts. The breakmaster has really helped my game. Last year I had 3 eye operations, so my golf has not been very good. I am just getting back on track, so to discover the breakmaster has come at the perfect time. I play my golf at Alnmouth Golf Club, which is on the North East coast of England, and is often very windy. Also, last week I played my first ladies match for 2 years and I won 5 and 3, again I think it was because I putted so well. Two years ago I played off 9, at the moment I am off 12, but I am hopeful I will get back to 9, especially when my putting has improved. Many thanks, Best wishes,” Janet Prudhoe, Northumberland, UK
“We are fortunate to have digital tools that show instantly the slope on a green (BreakMaster). Like the Stimpmeter, every superintendent should have one of these inexpensive tools to help determine “conforming” hole locations. By using one of these instruments, a Stimpmeter, and this graph it is quite simple to find a fair hole location.” USGA Green Section Record
“After using the device for about thirty minutes, I got a good feel for it. Reading putts is not an exact science because there are so many variables (break, slope, speed of greens, weather, etc.). The BreakMaster is a great device for training your eyes to read a putt, and will help in getting a better understanding how a putt will roll. The DVD [tutorial videos] and the booklet go in to length on how you can use the device to map your own course’s greens, and gives an example of how to use sites such as Google Earth to custom make your own yardage booklet” Craig Mac,
“We just received our new BreakMaster and we’re both appreciative and as happy as golfers can be while watching sleet fall. You were very kind to replace the old one and I’ll try to keep this one safe for Nick’s tournaments. Given the list of pros and caddies using your product you hardly need the endorsement of a rising 14 year old junior or his Dad but your service is every bit as good as the product and if Nick’s dreams come true he’ll owe you one. Thanks again,” Bill McLaughlin
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